Dropped and Unraveled

Friday, October 06, 2006

I do not have time for this!

I have only 9 weeks before I head home for Christmas. Get that? Nine weeks to finish all my knitting so my family has presents this year. Um, panic much? So I shall now present to you my list of shit to do:

1) Knit the edging on the armholes of the SVoD (thought I forgot about that, didn't you?)
2) Finish the blue sweater for me (only have 2/3 of the second sleeve and the seaming left)
3) Knit a sweater for Nicky
4) Knit a MATCHING sweater for Ben
5) Knit a red sweater to match the blue one for Karri
6) Finish the stole for Mom (2/5 complete)
7) Knit a hat for Grandpa
8) Knit 2 1/2 pairs of socks for various people
9) Knit a sweater for Alex (I actually have until the end of January for this)

Hmmm, it would appear I must complete each task in a week to meet my deadline and not succumb to Seasonal Panic Disorder. We all know what this is. The Yarn Harlot charmingly refers to SPD as It. It is the growing disconnect with reality as the knitter frantically tries to warp the space time continuum in order to provide everyone she cares for with a bit (or massive hunk) of knitted love. Do not ask the question of why we must do this, or even if the people in question request or value knitted items. It is encoded on the same gene that causes us to fondle yarn and follow strangers with interesting sweaters.
To really put the pressure on, I have been having hand and wrist pain for the past couple of days. I've had trouble with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during both my pregnancies, and sometimes it will flare even now. I do not have time to be out of the game. I must knit massive amounts of yarn before the middle of December. It's sitting in it's box, taunting me.
I also have the added temptation of all the yarn I've stashed for the upcoming Year of the Me Knits. I have vowed that next year, I'm going to knit for me almost exclusively. I've knitted and crocheted for almost ten years now, and I have ONE handknit sweater and TWO pairs of socks to my name. I've been knitting for my kids and friends and family for years, and it's my turn! I have the yarn for about 5 sweaters and 20 pairs of socks stockpiled, so I can start as soon as the Christmas knitting is done. It calls to me.
Next year, someone remind me to buy everyone a giftcard.


Blogger xvii_thestar said...

Damn chica... take it easy on those hands! I must remember to get you some meditation bell balls. They do help a bit. But goodness gal... sweaters for everyone? Next year I will definitely encourage you to give gift cards hehehe... Can't have you breaking your hands! I still need you to teach me how to knit socks. :) I've been working on the lacy shawl of doom all weekend. It's actually about 6 inches wide now *knocks on wood*

10:08 AM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

Poor Cassi...you need chocolate. So do I for that matter! Actually, I haven't gotten much knitting done at all but my scarves are looking slightly more complete than they did before I left Texas. Uhhhh...yay me or something.

I think that you should take your birthday off to take a bubble bath, eat chocolate, and make Lynn watch Nick and Ben. And if you want to/feel like knitting cool and if not...then don't! Besides...everything doesn't have to be done by the time you get home, does it? You'll still have a few weeks once you're there wontcha?

Well, in any case they can just hold their horses if necessary, damnit! hehehe Take care hon!

1:49 PM  

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