Dropped and Unraveled

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Return of the Knitter

Yeah, remember that sick from a couple posts down? Well, it got worse. I had tried for a couple days to get an appointment for some antibiotics, but those same day appointment go fast, and if I actually made an appointment it would be in about 2 months. Not good. So Friday rolled around and I decided I could stick it out for the weekend and try again Monday. It didn't happen that way. What did happen was a trip to the Emergency Department and a diagnosis of not only strep, but a serious double ear infection that was screwing with my balance. Y'all, I was so miserable, I didn't even want to touch my knitting. After spending Saturday cowering in my bed, contemplating puncturing my eardrums with a size 0 double point to relieve the pressure, and chugging antibiotics, I think I'm on the road to recovery. Here's the proof:

The Socks of Doom. These are a boring knit. I mostly worked on them this morning, but I kept dozing off sitting up. I'm not sure how much of that had to do with recent illness and how much was pure, boring ribbing, but it did impede progress. I'm knitting these two at once toe up on two circular needles. Not my usual method, and I'm not sure I like it. Seems to take some of the danger out of knitting.

It would also appear I'm back to my typical polyamorous relationship with Works In Progress. Stop looking at me like that. Nothing to see here.

This is the bottom of a River Forest Gansey from the book Handknit Holidays. It's a fun pattern, just enough going on to keep me interested. Red is perhaps not the best color to show off the pattern's charms, but it is the color that will be worn until the sweater falls off the back of my oldest son. You pick your battles.

Speaking of battles, I'm going to be fighting the battle for a clean house for awhile now. There is rampant evidence of two boys left to fend for themselves for a few days. (I was here, just not particularly useful.) There are many sticky surfaces, due to a discovery of a love for peanut butter and honey sandwiches. We have demolished 2 gallons of milk, a jar of peanut butter, half a honey bear, and three loaves of bread. Most inexplicably, it would appear every article of clothing they own is dirty. I'm not sure I want to know how that happened.


Blogger xvii_thestar said...

ooooo Purdy sox! I definitely understand the inexplicable laundry piles. Those appear in my house occasionally.

I'm glad you finally went to see a doctor. Ear infections and strep are both BAD news if not treated. Strep can actually spread to your heart and permanently damage the muscle tissue if not treated promptly. It's the reason my aunt died at age 40. Ear infections are also dangerous since they can spread to the brain via the otic nerves. Antibiotics are great. *hugs*

11:29 AM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

Andrea is such a barrel of laughs. I love yous guys!

9:17 PM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

Oh...duh....and yay socks! Go kill you some knitters (figuratively, of course) We might need them for world domination purposes later.

9:22 PM  

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