Dropped and Unraveled

Thursday, October 26, 2006

And the Mother of the Year Award goes to....

Well, it ain't gonna be me. I have the determination, but not the follow through. Yesterday, my angelic oldest son came home from school all excited about the field trip today. He was going to a pumpkin patch, and could he please borrow my furry I-skinned-a-muppet blue scarf to stay warm? How could I say no? So he starts putting his outfit together (yes, my son is a budding fashion guru), and decides he MUST have a blue hat to match the blue scarf. This could be a problem. I do not wear hats, so there is no matching hat. My solution? Go stash diving. There has to be some blue wool in there somewhere. And sure enough, at the very bottom of the last drawer there was a lone ball of the blue wool yarn I used to make the scarf. He would have to live without the fuzzies. I immediately cast on and knitted like a maniac. I stopped only to make dinner in the microwave (which also subtracted mommy points) and to tuck the kids in bed. I just had to make a hat that night. My son's faith in me was at stake. Around midnight I noticed the ball was getting rather small. This is where a normal person would have changed the plan or given up. It was obvious there was not enough yarn to cover my kid's big head. What did I do? I knit on. I just knew I could change reality and squeeze a hat out of this yarn. Around 2 am I ran out of yarn. The hat wouldn't even cover my younger son's ears. There was no way. I had been defeated. Did I go to bed? Make an emergency Walmart run? Find another hat? Of course not. I dug into the stash and found a ball of red wool. I would make a Superman striped hat. It was perfect. It was 3 am. I knit, and knit, and knit. I blinked once, and woke up to my alarm clock blaring and my son jumping on the bed. There I was, sitting up in bed, holding a four inch piece of knitting that was supposed to be a hat by now. I had been defeated. There were tears (mostly mine), and a tantrum (mine again), and my son cheerfully reached into his closet and picked out his favorite blue baseball cap. I had wasted an entire evening and got 2 hours of sleep, and my son went to school happy as a clam in a blue hat that I didn't make. Sometimes mothering is confusing.


Blogger xvii_thestar said...

Awwww hon. You get an A+ for effort most definitely. I woulda been like "Don't you have a blue hat already honey?". No last minute knitting sprees for me. You're a great mom though. :) I'm sure your son's faith in you is still strong. Hehehe

10:48 AM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

Awww poor Cassi....it sounds to me like you totally warrant the mother of the year award! Luckily, it was you and not your bambino having the tantrum. That would've made me feel worse, I think. You DEFINATELY get and A+++++ for effort!

1:45 PM  

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