Dropped and Unraveled

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I have felt a little off the past few days. Not monumentally icky, just a little tired and sore, like maybe I should consider eating a few more veggies or taking a walk. I thought it might just be stress, after all, my husband is in a war zone, my oldest kid is on school vacation, the youngest is potty training, and on top of it all I have 4 sweaters and a wrap to finish before Christmas. Today I woke up and discovered I was wrong. The neighbors' kid gave me strep throat.

At least I assume it's strep. They are the only people I spend much time with anymore, and they've been passing it around for about a week now. What really cheeses me is the difference in our attitudes about helping when someone is sick. I was bringing chicken soup, lending thermometers, watching kids, basically doing everything I could to help them feel better fast and keep Mom from having a mental breakdown. They were over here all the time, bringing their nasty, germ ridden selves across the street for food or company or advice. Since I let them know I wasn't feeling well, I've seen them 3 times. The first time they brought over food and made dinner in my kitchen (I still have to do those dishes). They left soon after I nearly fell asleep on the table. Yesterday they waved as they drove out of the circle. Today I got a phone call asking if the boys and I would like to come over and ride bikes. I got the bikes out and hauled my stinky, tired and all over worn looking ass across the street. I was there for about 5 minutes before she sent me home. I had nearly passed out on her front porch. She was going to watch the boys for awhile so I could get some rest. Not even 5 minutes later the boys were home. She had to feed her husband and sent them home for lunch.

As I'm writing all this, it occurs to me that I come across as bitchy and demanding. It really isn't that way. I don't mind helping out a neighbor, and I appreciate the company. I just wish there was some reciprocation. I seem to draw these types of people, the ones who will drain you dry and never give anything back. I've only had two friends in my life who give as much as they get (you know who you are). So I ask you, why do I keep it up? Is bad company better than no company at all? Or am I just a colossal sucker destined to be taken advantage of my entire life? Discuss amongst yourselves. I'm going for the throat spray and ibuprofen.


Blogger xvii_thestar said...

Awww sweety... *hugs* I've expressed my opinion about your neighbors' behaviour. If they cooked in your kitchen, they should have washed the dishes they made. That right there is just plain old common courtesy. You don't sound bitchy or demanding to me. It just sounds like there is poor reciprocation from that bunch. You should ask the neighbors to babysit for you for an afternoon. Maybe they just don't know what you'd want... maybe it'd help if you asked. *shrugs* Hang in there hon.

5:29 PM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

Aww, my poor Cassi! I'm sorry your neighbors suck butt. I love you! And you're SO not demanding or bitchy...*Hugs and kisses* (platonic - maybe)^_~

9:05 PM  

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