Here it is, as promised. This is exactly how much yarn an obsessed woman can buy in two months without supervision.

Wanna see a close up?
I think we may need a twelve step program for this.
This is between $300 and $400 worth of yarn. You see here 20 balls of chocolate alpaca, 20 balls of red alpaca, 20 balls of teal alpaca, 27 balls of grey superwash wool, 24 balls of green superwash wool, 8 balls of red cashmere laceweight, 5 skeins of red wool laceweight, 12 skeins of various sock yarns, 17 skeins of red merino wool, 7 skeins of blue superwash wool, 9 balls of red superwash wool, 3 skeins of peach alpaca silk blend, and 1 perfect skein of blue silk (the other is already on the needles).
The boys couldn't resist.
In other news, the knitting goddess has issued me a smackdown. Apparently, I was a little too confident in my last mention of the SVfH, and when I tried knitting on it last night I was incapable of remembering to decrease for the neckline. I am of two minds on how to proceed. My first option is to continue my unprecedented faithfulness to this sweater and hope the abusive relationship improves. Option two is to work on something else within sight of the SVfH and hope jealousy will cause a change of heart, and once it realizes it is not my only sweater it will behave more nicely. (The third and unspoken option of a ritual cremation is not being considered at this point. Christmas is coming, damn it.) Leave your votes in the comments. I'm going for the chocolate and wine.
I vote to make the SWfH jealous! Stupid SVfH....
I vote for the jealousy tactic as well. Cute kids btw, and cute you (of course!), and omg all that yarn... makes me wanna do a swan dive into the pile and just roll in it. Although, I'd probably end up regretting it since there's evil wool in the mix.... but mmm alpaca... cashmere... silk.... *shudder*
I am definitely turning into a yarnaholic... when stress hits I go straight for the yarn.... my knitting needles keep me sane. I burned thru about half a ball of yarn last night and I'm gonna finish it off today methinks.
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