Dropped and Unraveled

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why yes, I have new shoes on.

And best of all, my new shoes have SHEEP on them!

I've been waiting ages for Zappos.com to get these in my size again, and now they are MINE!!!! Doesn't that little black sheep just make you all warm and fuzzy inside?

I've made a decision about the shawl with the evil pooling. I'm going to keep knitting it, and over dye after I finish with blue or green. To hedge my bets, I've started another Mystic Waters in a much prettier solid green lace weight single from handpaintedyarn.com. It's amazing how much more I like this pattern when I can actually see it. I think I've upgraded from pattern "like" to pattern "love." Pictures coming as soon as I have enough knit on it to show.


Blogger xvii_thestar said...

Ooooo your new shoes are the cuteness. I love the little black sheep. Grats on finally getting your mitts on a pair. :D

You're really gonna knit TWO mystic waters shawls? I'm lazy. LOL But yea... killing of the evil face is wise. As for the green, that'll be GORGEOUS I bet! It'll be very apropos for yule with a red shirt under and the pine trees along the edge. d4

The pattern is very pretty. Mine is turning out a LOT lacier than the others I've seen in photos... I'm guessing that's because I'm using a VERY light lace weight. The fabric is so light it just kinda floats mid-air. Everyone else's looks more... substantial.
I'm sorta beginning to worry about how sturdy mine will be against cats and small children. As of now I'm tempted to just frame it (if it's successful). LOL

7:23 PM  
Blogger xvii_thestar said...

Oops... the d4 was a typo. LOL

7:24 PM  
Blogger *~*Katy*~* said...

*In Love with your shoes* ZOMG YAY BLACK SHEEP with the cute little blue face!!!!! *giggles* I can't wait to see the new shawl (and the old one re-dyed)

Aww, I really likt yours, Andrea, but I can see what you mean about it's durability being in question. I think it'd be cool to frame it! The question is, where will you find a large enough frame that doesn't cost a zillion dollars?

Love y'all! *hugs*

P.S. I'm planning to blog with pix of my recent projects today.

5:12 AM  
Blogger Moirae said...

Those shoes were made for walking. You won't be letting anyone walk all over ewe!

10:39 AM  

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