I spent most of today getting Alex ready to go the the Marine's Birthday Ball. I was going to go this year, but they kept changing their minds about if childcare was going to be provided and where, so I eventually just said screw it and decided to stay home. I look better in jeans than formal wear anyway.

Since I already had the camera out, I also took pictures of a shawl i recently finished and my current work in progress. The red stole is Scheherazade (purchased pattern from Pink Lemon Knits) in a mystery red cashmere lace weight I got off of eBay last year. It's so light and soft, and I have enough left for at least one more shawl. Yay! The pin holding it on was my birthday present from Alex, it's the feather pin from here
http://www.designsbyromi.com/pages/snssellsheet2.htm . Her shawl pins were featured in Vogue knitting this year, and she also designed Muir from the fall Knitty. Highly recommended.

And this is my Mystic Waters shawl, about halfway through clue three. It looks like a stripy blob. The pattern itself is lovely, and the yarn is dreamy, I'm just not sure about the colors. Maybe I'll try over dying it once I'm done with a darker blue. Knit in Shimmer from Knitpicks in Morning Mist.

On the health front, my hands are still a bother, and severely limit my knitting time, which explains the only one WIP. I have an orthopedic appointment on the 19th, we'll know more then.
I'm also starting college this fall (finally!). I'm signed up for and English and a math course online, and now that I'm actually doing it I'm nervous as hell. I haven't had to really learn anything in almost ten years. I'm not sure my brain still works. Guess we'll find out in January!
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