Well, I'm knitting again, but I seem to have hidden the camera from myself, so I thought I'd give you a quick update on the Christmas knitting. This was my old list. I've decided because of my injuries and my love of sleep to pare down a little, so a quick edit/update was in order.
1) Knit the edging on the armholes of the SVoD (thought I forgot about that, didn't you?) still not done, planned for next Monday
2) Finish the blue sweater for me (only have 2/3 of the second sleeve and the seaming left) DONE!
3) Knit a sweater for Nicky DONE!
4) Knit a MATCHING sweater for Ben halfway up the body and making good time, should be done by next weekend
4) Knit a MATCHING sweater for Ben halfway up the body and making good time, should be done by next weekend
5) Knit a red sweater to match the blue one for Karri CANCELLED, she's getting perfume instead
6) Finish the stole for Mom (2/5 complete) Possible, but not likely. Any gift ideas?
6) Finish the stole for Mom (2/5 complete) Possible, but not likely. Any gift ideas?
7) Knit a hat for Grandpa CANCELLED, he's getting a scarf instead
8) Knit 2 1/2 pairs of socks for various people Undecided, socks are a travel project, so it might happen
9) Knit a sweater for Alex (I actually have until the end of January for this)
So my new list looks a little like this
1) Finish Ben's sweater
2) Buy present for Karri
3) Add armhole edging to SVoD
4) Finish stole
5) Knit 2 pairs socks
6) Knit sweater for Alex by January
Much more do-able, don't you think? And two of the things on there I'm not holding myself to, but if they happen, good for me.
On a related note, could someone tell me why the one kid in class with the flu always sits by my kid? And why the younger one always has to lay right in his brother's face so he can catch it too? These are the questions that keep me up at night, people.
I'm off to indulge my growing Harry Potter fandom and attempt to avoid buying the Knitpicks Swish to make a Ravenclaw scarf (9 balls of Dark Navy and 3 balls of Copper, if anyone wants to know)
Okay, I'll talk you out of the Ravenclaw scarf...but only if you'll make a Gryffindore one for me! LMAO Just kidding!!! I'm glad that your to-knit list has been pared down. Anyway, yeah...I can't even finish a fuckin' scarf so you're WAY ahead of me. I'm sorry that the boys are sick and I'm even sorrier that you're not feeling well. *pouts* Like get better and stuff! I loooove you! *huggles*
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